School Student Interns Needed!!The School of Education and Human Development
is working to design and offer a one week summer
science camp for children-Kids Explore! The program is designed
as an enriching inquiry-based science experience for children in grades
1-7 and provides exposure to hands-on experiential learning. For example,
the children will build robots, investigate pond animals, create websites,
and otherwise take charge of their own learning. The
knowledge children gain from hands-on activities and experiments is “grown
organically” and stays with them. Students develop a higher
level understanding of science concepts and the world around them
by direct engagement.
The overall purpose of Kids Explore!
is to provide
an exciting opportunity for children to
learn about science
through direct experience, thereby igniting a life-long
interest in investigating the world around them.
summer, the Binghamton University campus will open its classrooms, laboratories,
and computer pods to approximately 100 young scientists. We
will offer activities for four different age levels along different
scientific themes. Topics will be drawn from biology, physics,
technology, nursing, and engineering and will include lab work, field
work, and a culminating project. All students will work closely
with a team of learning guides composed of a BU
faculty member, a master elementary teacher, graduate student assistants, and
a high school intern. Each student will be challenged to
study real world problems, think as a scientist, test ideas
with experiments, and participate in research. At the conclusion of
the week, student teams will integrate their science, art, and
communication skills to create detailed displays of their work for
staff, parent, and peer review.
* Each learning group will be
made up of 20-25 students.
* Students are grouped by the
grade they just completed.
* The core program will run from
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., with morning and afternoon science
* Mid- and end of the day recreational activities will
take place outdoors and in BU facilities.
The School of Education and Human Development at
Binghamton University needs friendly, outgoing high school students interested in
science, engineering or science education, to assist in the Kids
Explore! Summer Science Program as Student Interns. Student Interns will
help Binghamton University faculty and program teachers in the science
lab and in the field this summer for one week
(August 16-20, 2004). Interns will act as teaching assistants,
lunch monitors and lab helpers for the younger students and
be present from 8:15 am - 4:15 pm. This internship
will provide interns with community service hours. For more information
contact our office at 777-4580 or email: abaron@binghamton.edu.
Intern qualifications
* Must be entering
10th, 11th or 12th grade in fall 2004.
Must write a paragraph on why
he/she would like to be an intern for our program.
* Must have a science,
math teacher or guidance counselor write a letter of recommendation.
* Must provide own transportation
to and from the University.
Previous experience with kids preferred!
materials must be returned by May 14, 2004. Please send
Binghamton University
Professional Development and Research AB-130
Attn: Anne Baron
P.O. Box
Binghamton, NY 13902-6000