We are currently paying $50 for each article submission that is accepted for use on StudentsReview. If you've written an article that could help prospective students or parents, we'd like to feature it, where it will help some 50,000 prospective students daily!
We are currently accepting submissions in the following topic areas: financial planning, application preparation, college preparation, what to look for in a college, and general college advice. If in doubt, feel free to send it (or a synopsis) in for evaluation!
All original content
Not already licensed to/for others.
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to include:
Email (payout through paypal)
Personal Title
Article Title
Optional Photo
Articles should be longer than 500 words, but preferably not too much longer than 1000 or 1500. It has to be reasonably readable after all!
Please email
it to: sradmin@studentsreview.com